You can never be isolated in truth

Oh my friends – sending you full love and light!  Sending out warmth and blessing at this time

Gratitude and compassion

Firstly – my heart and gratitude goes out to all those who are working tirelessly to treat patients and keep necessary services running – here in the UK and worldwide.  We are one human family.

There is a palpable love and deep recognition of the courage, compassion and care for these self sacrificing carers and medical practitioners and key workers.  Many of whom put themselves at risk to help others.  Thank you so much!  Thank you also to those staying at home or helping others in their community.  Also love and light to all those who are ill or struggling with family conflicts or losing loved ones or in deep grief and distress at this time

I know this ‘situation’ at this present time is not enabling us physically to meet.   I understand that this is a huge challenge for many people although some welcome this enforced pause in ‘business as usual’ and are finding great value in this time of retreat from the world.  Others also of course face financial hardship.  May help come, may peace be discovered in these challenging times, by the power of grace.

There is compassion here for all this.

For a moment though, I want to look much more deeply and with subtlety and sensitivity at what is unfolding here in a very positive and uplifting light from a place of faith and absolute safety and encouragement.  I invite you to join with me in looking not just with eyes that are seeing the surface, not just focussing on what the media is focussing on but stepping back to gain a wider perspective – seeing with more universal eyes.   Imagine looking at the earth at this time from space with a loving detachment.  Step back for a moment and feel the spaciousness of that.

Waking up

Humanity at this time is going through trouble for sure but also being uplifted and transformed.  This is tremendously positive.  Light is being revealed somehow and old paradigms are transforming in a good and life giving way, I observe.  There are many beings infinitely who are pointing to a realm that is real and available now that overcomes and transcends this more dense realm, this way of seeing that we seem to have been so hypnotised by so strongly.  We who have fallen from grace and been so deeply conditioned by dualistic thinking are being redeemed, are returning, like the prodigal son to the realm of love and light and peace and harmony with the divine.

People are waking up and coming out of the ‘samsara’ or ‘hell’ or suffering of their own misguided thinking.  There are people working as tirelessly as the medics and carers to pull people up metaphorically, out of the obsessions with the streams of thinking that keep us apparently bound and crippled.  There are beings who are here to really help humanity to discover the peace and safety and imperishable nature of their own being, our own true heart that is in harmony with God.  Even the Queen of England yesterday in the UK  – bless her soul – mentioned that people of faith across our world are using prayer and meditation for healing in this world.

Death and Resurrection

The egoic identity is a most heavy and dense psychological field that is rooted in the idea essentially that “I am this body” only.  The ego believes itself to be separate and physical.   We tend to believe that if the body dies – we die – BUT is this really true?  Of course it is true on the bodily level but every body is born and dies – YOU do not pass!  It IS possible to enquire into our true identity that can never die, that is eternal and imperishable!  Recognition and assimilation of this on an experiential level  – not just intellectual but experiential – makes a tremendous difference to our outlook on everything.  It is our own death and resurrection!  I say this incidentally in ‘Holy Week’.

Self enquiry.  Who am I really?  What is this life for?  What has to die or be starved of attention – for new life to be discovered?  Vinegar was given, followed by darkness, death, surrender and the word combusting into spirit and then ASCENSION.  Ascension in Christian terms means ‘The Ascension of Jesus (anglicized from the Vulgate Latin Acts 1:9-11 section title: Ascensio Iesu) is the physical departure of Christ from Earth into the presence of God in Heaven.

Ascension of Humanity

I looked up the word ascension also and found this.   ‘Ascension, in a simple and spiritual sense is very similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment found in Buddhism. To become Enlightened can simply mean to have “full comprehension of a situation”. … Ascension in its basic spiritual or mystical sense can be thought of as the highest state of Man (humanity).’

Here is what Bentinho Massaro says about humanity’s ascension

You are Freedom, Peace and Happiness

So – Who am I really?  What is this life for?  Sages and spiritual masters and seekers of truth have looked into these questions for thousands of years.  Why?  For freedom, for true and lasting peace and for happiness.  For release from the heavy burden and shackles of the crippling effects of egoic identity.

Very often we don’t even realise we have become a slave to our own thinking mind and we just think life is ok or even good as it is.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying life just as it is with all the sensual pleasures and joys and little miracles that happen alongside the difficulties but when one begins to really wake up to this ‘kingdom of God’ that is always available – one begins to look back and realise how constricted the previous state was!

‘But take heart!  I have overcome this world’  says Jesus.  Here he is speaking of this freedom peace and happiness.

You ARE this freedom, peace and happiness, in, as and in alignment with Christ consciousness, Buddha nature, Shiva being.

Social isolation? – a Recipe for Awakening!

I heard a friend recently say this ‘social distancing’ and self isolation at this time for people that live alone is a ‘recipe for mental illness’.  From the ‘normal’ human paradigm rooted in dualistic thought this is an understandable thing to say – BUT in truth it does not have to be this way at all.  Everything from within my heart said…..

‘No – this time for retreat and to be with oneself without all the usual distractions of life is actually potentially a recipe for awakening to the bliss and joy of our own being!  A recipe and opportunity for liberation and fulfilment and a love beyond measure even in the apparent mess of it all.  Yes it depends on how you choose to perceive things of course and I am not denying that for many this is a huge challenge – I am hearing the cry of people worldwide and we are together in this.  But let me point you to something.  If you are reading this you must somehow be interested in spiritual life.  Let us start there!

A Radiant Light Within

There is, right now, beneath and before any thoughts, original to the core of who you are – a radiant light within, a simple, natural presence that is free and pure and effortless.  At this particular moment in time there is SO MUCH HELP for all of us.  Just one example of many is The Invitation to Freedom that i have mentioned before.  (Mooji)  But there is also help from many beings and many recent talks I highly recommend – listed below.

This earth, I sense deeply, is being uplifted and enlightened and hugely supported by unseen and seen benevolent forces for good at this unprecedented time, despite the drama and difficulty.

Effortless Simple Presence

From this true place of timeless effortless simple presence, before any thoughts of past, present or future there is a witnessing of what is always here.  There is an awareness in you – right now that has always been here.  This presence looked through your eyes at the image of your face when you were 5 years old and when you were 25 or 50 years old.  The face changes obviously, the image and the flesh is in a constant state of flux and movement but something looking through those eyes is unchanging, is unborn and is timelessly free.  This awareness,  this consciousness is what you cannot remove.  If you completely put aside thoughts from the past, all hopes for the future and all expectations for the now you will discover that there is truly something that is not a thing that cannot be removed.  Your own Self.  Consciousness.  Words can only point  – but the experience of this is beyond any words or concepts.  Nevertheless – undeniably here.

Your True Place

From this true position you will see that you are not only ‘formless awareness’ and not a ‘thing’ or body.  Presence observes bodies come and go but itself never comes or goes – it simply IS!  It infinitely IS.  From this True Place – you can witness yourself as no thing but also paradoxically as every thing!  This consciousness is inseparable with every living thing!  Who you are as the pulse, as the vibration of LOVE AND LIGHT permeates and pervades all of creation.

You may think you cannot be that vast!   BUT  – you are not that as form.  This form will one day return to the earth but who you truly are my friend has nothing to do with matter in essence (only in the dynamic changeful play ‘Maya’)  You are beyond time, beyond space and infinitely now.

Therefore is say to you with confidence and love and encouragement and inspiration that you – who you are – can never be isolated in truth.


Recommended talks at this time

Mooji answers some letters here and sends a Simple and powerful prayer in challenging times.

Also Remaining True in a Time of Crisis.  

Eckhart Tolle shares a talk speaking of the parable of Jesus ‘Build Your House on the Rock‘  Staying Conscious in the Face of Adversity

Also Eckhart speaks here of handling fear

Bentinho Massaro has released a recent talk  here and a Global Unity Consciousness Meditation  here.

Rupert Spira here and here.

Alan Cohen also is speaking every day at the moment in a most supportive and enlightening way and also using the Course in Miracles as a guide.

I feel all these talks are hugely beneficial for us all at this time.

I have also spoken briefly on finding peace in the storm here, using the passage of ‘Jesus Calms the Storm’