Honouring Truth

Honouring Truth

There is no person who can say ‘I followed the path and absorbed the pointings of the guru and now ‘I’ have enlightenment!’ as a separate self!  As a spiritual ‘ego’.  That way of seeing the so called apparent process of spirituality is rooted in dualistic thought.  Maya is illusory in essence.  ‘I’ do not exist as a separate receiver of wisdom or truth.  Yet ‘what is’, is timelessly present, infinite and full of grace.  

The true ‘I’ is formless, intangible and one with God.  In harmony with truth that is no-thing (not an object) and yet permeates every-thing.  

Self realisation is IMPOSSIBLE for the person body/mind psychological false identity!  Why?  Because it is the realisation  – or true seeing that we have never been this ‘person’, this ‘ego’, this false identity.   We  have never been separate – we ARE in harmony with the One True Self!

 I Am that!  – therefore ‘I’ can never find that because it is not an object to be found!  One can never be separate from the True Self – we can only dream we are!  

Awakening is a waking up out of the dream of separation altogether 

However paradoxically there is ONLY the one higher Self, the True Self.  

This IS and always has been the real ‘I’, apparently covered over perhaps by layers of delusion.  

‘If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him!’    (Zen saying) 

In other words if an apparent spiritual ego is claiming jubilantly ‘Hey, I am the Buddha!’  this is the false one, the deceived one who still wants acclaim and adoration from the world for this tremendous achievement.  Don’t trust this one.    

One who is a truly fully liberated being does not need to claim any recognition and has surrendered everything to the supreme.  Especially their own separate sense of self, the false identity.  

Emptiness itself, silence and pure grace.   Blessed we are by such beings who have walked this earth throughout the apparent ages, for they know they are no-thing (non phenomenal) and yet paradoxically permeate every-thing and their heart is pure and unstained.   They know they are no more special than anyone else because all things arise out of their own being.  The formless awareness.  

There is only one of us  – in truth. 

Yet if we believe we are the separate personal self, it is almost impossible to see this!  There is no separation essentially and humanity is guided by grace – to discover the God Self within themselves as the one source of all that is.  In harmony with the one infinite creator.  


Ramana Maharshi

Rupert Spira


Bentinho Massaro

Papaji (Mooji’s master)

Jesus Christ


Buddha - the awakened one who represents our own True Being

Ananda Mayi Ma

Eckhart Tolle


All blessings of deep gratitude to all beings who awaken to the truth and lay down their own life in service of others to enable liberation and a way out of suffering for humanity.