Fear is personal – Peace is The Self
Duality- it seems SO real.
What do I mean by duality? It can be defined as ‘an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something’ eg dark and light, day and night, wise and ignorant, black and white, sweet and sour. Essentially it is conceptual. Divided by thinking but not necessarily divided as reality!
The personal realm of duality that we perceive as you and me and the world ‘out there’ filled with separate objects. The generally accepted reality of trees and birds and divided relative objects which we see with our fleshly eyes and label and interpret as what is real – this is the dynamic play of contrast and phenomenality. The manifest creation. There is nothing wrong with enjoying this apparent dynamic physical play.
In Hinduism this so called ‘reality’ is called ‘Maya’ and is seen essentially as ever changeful and illusory.
Is this phenomenal manifest world as far as it goes? Is all this talk of spirituality and consciousness and awareness just talk, just hocus pocus, just abstract thought and not at ALL true? Well I would guess 80% of humanity would say so – yes!
May be this percentage will change as people have no choice but to STOP and look within! It is just possible that this pandemic could be a forceful catalyst in humanity awakening much more fully to the true! Here is what Rupert Spira has shared recently. Pointing to the fact that our own blessed being is the constant true security and the source of ‘quiet unconditional joy.’
This physicality though seems so provable though and tangible and we sense it and interact with it as human beings and anyone who says it is an illusion or not real or even a dream MUST BE CRAZY! Yes?
Polishing this personality
Anyway -we might say ‘I like my life, my body, my identity and life story and I want to continue to go after the things I want from this world. i have dreams and aspirations and intentions – don’t get in my way! Certainly don’t threaten my own existence and personal identity! I have spent years, decades, even life times polishing this personality – back off!’
Does this sound familiar? We all know this voice, we all hear these kind of utterances – don’t we? The busy mind. Is this voice even so unique? Is it trustworthy, true and life giving? Does it give you any space? Is it wise and insightful or does it keep us hostage? Does it keep us bound in a kind of psychological prison of our own making? Bound to dualistic thought? Is this voice in our head original to us? Is our sense and understanding of who we actually are true and limitless or conditioned and limited? This mental constructed self image we have of ourselves is what I am calling the personal identity- the ego.
The only CONSTANT that never changes or perishes
What if all there is – right here and right now – the only CONSTANT that never changes or perishes – is the pure stainless invisible intangible living conscious presence? What if simply what IS, before any thoughts or definitions, is this silent, peaceful presence – the spirit of LIFE itself. The formless stillness that is the source of all manifest forms.
But we seemingly cannot even begin to acknowledge that because it looks like nothing, of no interest, just empty. Useless! Most people seem to completely overlook this witnessing presence. We are conditioned to think forms are born and alive for a while and then they die – we see this before our own eyes. Even a seed germinates, grows, flourishes, blooms, reproduces and then falls back, dies and is recycled in the great cycle of life. It is true – in this manifest universe. There is no doubt that forms arise and fall in a constant state of flux. Bursting into life, dancing for a bit and falling away.
Where do all forms arise from?
But where do all these forms arise from? Where did the big bang or ‘creation’ arise from? Where is the source of every thing? Don’t they all come from no thing? Don’t they all emerge from emptiness? From God? Even the bible speaks of this ‘formless’ emptiness. ‘Now the earth was formless and empty‘ (Genesis 1) How can earth be formless and empty? Does this mean there was a sphere of rock and substance somehow that was not covered in any vegetation or animals or forms? Is it that kind of formlessness? Or does this point to actually the possibility that the earth itself – what we perceive as the solid planet IS actually in essence formless? IS actually in essence emptiness? Doesn’t everything come and go from this non phenomenal unmanifest unborn intelligence?
We tend to think emptiness is barren, lifeless and a negative thing (because we are so in love with the things of the tangible physical world) however emptiness and spaciousness and vast limitless infinite unphathomable peace and silence IS the very source of all life! The most high, the most pure and supreme realm. The absolute.
Is it shocking to say this? It is at the heart of the matter – literally! It is the heart of matter – spirit – the living spirit of God!
‘Emptiness: The Most Misunderstood Word in Buddhism’
In this insightful article here by Lewis Richmond, the Dalia Lama says this
‘Actually emptiness is not a state of mind at all; it is simply “the true nature of things and events.” This includes the mind. Whether the mind of the meditator is full of thoughts or empty of them, this true nature holds.’
Genesis 1 The Beginning
‘ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good,’
The first thing here that God says is ‘Let there be light’. What really is this light? Is it simply the light of sun moon and stars that shines on the earth? Is it that kind of light? Particles of light?
Here is an article on Physical Light and the Light of Christ which says that in the gospel of John it states that
‘in Christ the Logos “was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). Christ was “the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1:9). Here light could almost trade places with life, for light is not simply a pleasant addition to reality, a nice extra. Rather, it shines or burns with life-combusting radiance.’ David A. Grandy
‘Life combusting radiance’
Light that is the life within us all and permeates everything and shines or burns – like a refining fire – with ‘life-combusting radiance’
It seems that the more somehow there is love of God and trust in surrender and prayer for his grace to consume and swallow up ego in his radiance and transforming fire – the more there is a light burning here in this heart of being somehow. Not a physical light shining on something but an invisible stillness, peace and love that simply IS. A lightness of spirit, a cushioning of grace. An indescribable bliss of being.
Rest here and grace will remove all traces of fear and suffering
The point of saying all this is that at this moment with so much focus on this Corona Virus there is some fear of contracting it and the possible consequences. This is understandable of course. This time calls on compassion and action to protect the most vulnerable in our society and pull together as one human family. Yes, the body as we see can perish and die – for sure – at some point. But we are not this body are we? – not in essence anyway! In the dynamic play this form is here of course but in the truth we are light itself. Christ says we are the ‘light of the world‘ (Matthew 5:14) just as he is. Imperishable shining spirit.
To realise this is a tremendous discovery and now we have such auspiciousness. Right now there are so many fingers pointing to this awakening to this light. Don’t miss your chance!
Jesus says: ‘A great difference exists between the imperishable and those who will perish. Everything that comes from the perishable will perish, for it comes from the perishable. But whatever comes from the imperishable does not perish, but itself becomes imperishable.’ 42.11 Book of Yeshua – Sayings of Jesus Christ (The Perennial Way – Bart Marshall)
‘Which falls away, flesh of spirit? flesh falls away’ says Christ 42.13 Book of Yeshua
Spirit is the light of life, is the light of God and is imperishable.
AS this light, as this invisible presence, as this formless awareness, as this Christ light, as this Buddha nature, as this Krishna consciousness, as this Shiva being – we are Life itself – and death it has no sting.
Fear is personal – Peace is The Self
In other words fear and suffering is felt in the personal realm because the infinite consciousness that we are has identified with the finite form. The finite form is unstable and perishable. This is a kind of trauma for the soul. For one who is limitless, indivisible, whole and unbound to come into the conviction of such a tight and constricted finite egoic identity – this is a kind of hell right there! A hell that we seem to blindly become acclimatised to. For a while. It seems we have to fall asleep – until the rays of sunlight start to pierce the gloom as we begin to awaken, by grace to the magnificence of our own being and the spaciousness of our true identity in God.
Peace and immense freedom IS the nature of the infinite imperishable True Self. What a spiritual paradox that the ‘our most solid ground is in formlessness’ – as Mooji says in The Invitation.
Rest here as this. Listen to The Invitation (Mooji) again and again. Why? Because such a powerful awakening opportunity this is! The most potent and healing purification that removes all traces of fear and suffering
Fear is personal – Peace is The Self
‘Build Your House on the Rock’
Eckhart Tolle speaks here of the parable of Jesus ‘Build Your House on the Rock‘ and the deeper meaning of this for these challenging times. He says adversity forces you to awaken to the deeper presence of your own Self. ‘This is a time of great opportunity.’
‘when the ego weeps for what it has lost, the spirit rejoices for what it has found’
Thank you