The New Miraculous
Many speak of The New ’Normal’
How about The New ‘Miraculous’?
The New Miraculous,
Self realised humanity
Heart centred unity
Enlightened civilisation
Love replaces fear
Trust replaces control
Faith replaces doubt
God replaces selfishness, in the throne of our hearts
Safety is here, because we know who we are
Matter moves and changes as impermanence
but Spirit, is unmoving, unchanging awareness
The presence of God is formless and free
Unfathomable, permanent, stable, silent and still
Consciousness can not ever die
Relax in that knowledge
Relax as that reality
We have tasted death before
But this time, we have a chance to taste and embrace the infinite now
This time we have a chance to be awaken to spirit AS our own timeless Self
The One True Self
Invisible, indivisible, intangible and free
Full of love, full of grace,
empty of the infuence of ego and delusion
Such bliss!
Putting Peace before conflict
Enjoying diversity, embracing difference
Loving the One in the apparent many
Loving ‘other’ AS our own Self
because they ARE our own Self
One True timeless limitless Self
The New Miraculous