The compost of the mind, the freedom of The Self

Live in the freshness of now. Past memories and thoughts are passed.

I cleaned out my blue compost food bin the other day


Rotten, not fresh, stale smelly and old rotting slimy stuff – wonderful compost though!  It would of course help the garden grow!

But it struck me that if we take this as a metaphor, for a moment, perhaps this is what we live in and associate with when we live from our mind stuck in the past memories of nostalgia, past hurts or even sweet moments that we cling to with attachment, for too long, as if we are trying to relive them now.   

This is like being immersed in rotten compost because it is past, passed, gone 

Be fresh and alive

Be empty

Don’t know anything 

Surrender attachments to past or future.  Passing thoughts, passing clouds

Be rooted in your true place, as consciousness, as formless spirit, as imperishable awareness

This is what is here, YOU are here, alive, fresh, spontaneous and free

Rupert Spira says that time does not exist as we imagine. It is not linear like we think at all 

There is only now 

We cannot actually experience past or future. 

‘Our experience is real, but the world as conceived by the mind – made of dead, inert matter, appearing outside Consciousness – is an illusion.

The world we experience is not made of matter; it is made of Consciousness.’  Rupert Spira

Wake up dear friends, rise from the dead and breath again the freshness of your own True Self!