Self emptying makes space for immense love

‘You are the empty awareness in which the entire universe blossoms from and flowers into.

To abide in emptiness is to have the non-dual realization that you are not the personal “doer” who you’ve always thought yourself to be. It is an absolute understanding that there is nothing that needs to be done, as there is no separate entity within who is able to assert any such independent volition over its life.

There is only life being lived—which is empty of any conceptual meaning, empty of any praise or blame, empty of any separation or division, and empty of any personal entities who can control what is spontaneously happening.

Life happens—and “you” are its witnessing consciousness.’

Brian Thompson, ‘Emptiness is the fullness of potential’.  July 25, 2016, Zen Thinking

In the bible it says Jesus ‘made himself nothing’  Philippians 2:7 

What does this mean?  Surely he cannot have vanished in front of their eyes?  Does it point to a ‘non phenomenal’ reality?  A complete self emptying?  Is this where science and spirituality merge in a recognition of the nature of reality as mostly nothingness?  Yet from this peace, and release and nothingness or ’emptiness’ immense love flows.  The Fullness of Emptiness.  

Richard Rohr speaks of the Trinity thus:

‘The Three all live as an eternal and generous self-emptying, the Greek word being kenosis.’

‘The Franciscan philosopher/theologian Bonaventure (1221–1274) described the Trinity as a fountain fullness of Love. Picture three buckets on a moving waterwheel. Each bucket fills and empties out, then swings back to be filled again. The Father empties into the Son, nothing held back. The Son empties into the Spirit, nothing held back. The Spirit empties into the Father, nothing held back. The reason they can empty themselves out is they know they will be filled again. They know that the center of the universe is infinite love.’  

Daily Meditation Sunday May 12th 2019 Only Emptiness is Prepared for Fullness (Centre of Action and Contemplation)

Richard Rohr has also written a beautiful book about the Trinity  The Divine Dance.  

In your minds you must be the same as Christ Jesus:
His state was divine,
yet he did not cling
to his equality with God
but emptied himself.
Philippians 2:5-7

Emptiness is not ‘the void’ our mind imagines!  It is beyond all imagination, pure, unstainless and beyond time and beyond any of these descriptions!

Full love and full blessings of peace to you dear friends