Relationship and unity

Relationship and unity Love is discovered as the one indivisible source

Relationship and unity

“The sage has no interests of his own, but regards the interests of the people as his own. He is kind to the kind, he is also kind to the unkind: for virtue is kind.”
(T’ai Shang Kan Ying P’ien). Daoism
         In the Buddhist teachings we see  “Hurt not others with that which pains yourself or in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. One should seek for others the happiness one desires for one’s self”
(Udana-Varqa, 5:18)
Jesus spoke of relationship with God and each other being one of Love.  Absolutely beautiful  – this is his greatest commandment.
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.’
 We could say the source of all religions is one and the golden thread that runs through them all is love
Here is an article from the Baha’i faith that illustrated this beautifully
TRUE unselfish and unbound LOVE can only burst forth through the beingness fully and purely though, I would suggest when the source is discovered AS your own self and the oneness is experienced in the heart.
When the ego identity is doing good to others somehow with it’s own gain in mind it is not so pure.  It is still good of course to try to do good to others rather than harm them – even if it is for some recognition of sense of worthiness!
 But the love that radiates from the awakened heart is pure and it’s light can shine into the darkest heart and burn delusion and uncover the ‘immortal diamond’ hidden inside
In this way the heart of humanity is set on fire with the power of truth and the blaze can destroy forests of delusion.
Jesus did discover and embody this oneness with God which is why Christians often say he is fully human and fully God.
it is considered blasphemy it seems,  however to consider that we could be fully human and also fully divine but Jesus does ask that his disciples FOLLOW him
He does say ‘you are the light of the world’  He does say ‘God is spirit’  and to be born again is to be born a new, free from guilt shame and sin, ie free from separation.  No division, oneness, unity with Him and with God
But do we really accept this?  Or do we keep on insisting psychologically on a much smaller diminished version of ourselves?  Do we say – ’no – he can’t mean for me to be sinless – I can’t do that!’  Only HE is perfect.  You are right.  As ego you cannot do it!  
You (the one you think yourself to be – ego)  have to disappear and merge into grace in order to discover your True Self.  This IS the baptism experientially.  Sin IS washed away by the power and miracle of grace itself.  

But do we see ourselves as Christ sees us?  – or do we identify with a much lesser vibrational field?  

It is done, we already are what we are looking for.  We already are the peace and divine bliss that we seek  – if only we would stop, enquire, recognise, see, acknowledge, embrace, discover, swallow, digest and assimilate this profound and absolute truth.  
If only we would risk transcending from hell to heaven, from Samsara to Nirvana.  Or is this only for an elite few? – a handful of prophets and sages?  Or is it only for Jesus to actually be one with God?  

Have we believed so strongly our mortal limited identity as this form and name only that we are willing to overlook salvation, and dismiss the release and relief of True Self discovery and unending bliss?  
Is this just some abstract concept that feels totally unrealistic and deluded?  Are we too busy chasing objects and sensations to even look?  Are we just far too concerned with money, power and status in the world to wake up to the truth of who we are?  
What is your ‘false idol’ that comes before God who is Love and Peace and unity and rest?  Is it getting the house tidy? making a perfect garden to one day relax in?  Is it being so successful in your business so that you will get the sum of money you are chasing so that you will eventually be happy one day in the future?  These are all fine and good things to do on one level but don’t you see the trap of postponing the peace?  The seeking and searching and greed for more and restlessness is never ending when your goal is out there, chasing objects of your desire.  Look for yourself!
And just may be the real culprit here, the actually one that is false and in the way is your own self concept  – ‘me’ ‘my life’  What I can get from life whilst I am alive!  This personal psychological identity is complex, is self important, is arrogant, fearful, selfish and needy.  It needs a lot of things to be satisfied.  It can even promise peace rather than surrender itself to the peace of God.
But when, by grace, the laser light of consciousness scans and discovers this deceiver, His days are numbered.  This one is not you.  This deceiver is not your own true self.  He holds you hostage with his demands and cunningness
But he has no real power without your attention and interest!  Wisdom matures and this muscle to discern the true voice from the false begins to be strengthened.  
Do you realise the immensity of what you can indeed discover in your own heart?  
There is only one of us!  

I say consider deeply what this life if for
Christians often say they are
‘Hid with Christ in God’    
This is why Jesus says ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (AS your Self)  
If the unity was not hidden in this statement he may have simply said  – love your neighbour as much as you love yourself
In other words – we assume there are two separate selves to love – ME and THEM  – but is this what he is pointing to?  separation?  duality?  
Mostly within the realm of duality that is ALL WE SEE – US AND THEM  – with fleshly eyes
BUT hidden in this statement is a deeper truth I believe  – with inner perceiving of the spirit  – isn’t this what the eastern religions refer to as the third eye?  A deeper seeing

In other words we tend to interpret this statement to mean – Love who appears to be out there – the other person that you encounter – ‘AS’ your own Self – why?  ‘AS’ because in truth, which is Christ, we truly are ONE as the spirit of God
There is no separation at all  – only on the bodily level which is always changing
Bodies eventually rot and return to dust  – but the spirit can never perish and is one with God and is your own True Self
How can the spirit of God not be your essential nature? – it permeates EVERY THING doesn’t it?  Even though it is unseen – it is the intangible, invisible source of everything in this universe

Forms and names come and go and come and go  – watch and see for yourself.  There is a constant flow of images, sensations, passing thoughts, passing feelings, passing perceptions floating past all the time in the waking state  – observe!  is this your experience?
Nevertheless relationships are of course important and can be deep profound and lasting
BUT is something constant in us?  Is there somehow a presence in you that is not ever changing?
Is there a conscious presence here that is not just the witness of all the changeful traffic of Life – but that is the silent intangible invisible source?  
Are you always here somehow, witnessing it all?  Look, discover!  Are you here – as what?
Really look!  We assume we are the body – ONLY  – but we are the presence, we are the consciousness, we are the REAL.
So who is the one you are in relationship with?    
We are in truth the unchanging, unmoving silence in which all phenomenality ‘plays’  
‘The I removes the I yet remains the I’ as Ramana Maharshi says
There is only really one true ‘I’ that gives birth to this universe  – in order, we could say, for the many to return to the one.  
Life evolves and develops and unfolds against a background of unchanging grace, silence and absolute peace.
Some call this emptiness but no words can encapsulate this immensity, this vastness, this freedom beyond any concept of freedom.  
Words can only point  – like a signpost.  

The source of this universe cannot be understood by our intellectual understanding.
The mystery of life itself.
No matter how much it is analysed and measured by science, it cannot be described with the limitation of language or captured by some spiritual concepts.  
Immanent and transcendent is God
Deathless most natural and true