Only God Exists

Resurrection is a metaphor for this realisation that only God really exists.

Ego must thin away in the light of truth and the imperishable spirit shines through and is unconquerable and deathless!

This is the spiritual awakening  – but for whom?  It cannot be for some separate entity.  That moth is burned in the flame of the love

Stop for a moment to look into if that is true.

For it it is true that only God exists then who are you really?

Is this God we speak of a kind of big Father Christmas type figure up ‘there’?  Is God some kind of heavenly form in some sublime place or is God everywhere and in everything?  As what?  We know our limited minds cannot conceive of the immensity of this almighty divine power – or may be some of us feel God is simply a concept in people’s heads and does not exist at all

Why do I ask?  For freedom, for peace, and to discover unity and immense love and light.

The almighty vast omnipresence of God.  The source of infinite galaxies IS who you really ARE  – in essence!

We are not equal to God but in harmony with God

It is not so much that little ‘me’ needs His big love – it is more that ONLY LOVE EXISTS – the presence and light of God burns everything in you that is NOT LOVE and it is GOOD that this burns so that ‘you’ and ‘He’ are one – there really is no separation in the fire of self discovery.

The separation we feel is only imagined because we believe so strongly that we are a physical, independent autonomous person and that we are the body/mind  – only.

It is like we are under a hypnosis to refuse to see the deeper reality of being.  It is like we only function and see with our physical eyes in this physical phenomenal realm of separate objects and forms.  From this place we can only personify God also.  How we understand so called reality and the world to be – we PROJECT and then confirm it is real because what we are so convinced is reality we believe into existence!  It seems like we cannot come out of this obsession with form and body and physical existence.  Rare it is for any being to overcome this delusion of separation, the play of Maya.

Our perception can change though!  There are thousands of worlds in people’s heads – but only one earth!

Mooji says this often.

Life is SO MUCH MORE than we imagine it to be!

But you may say ‘of course it is not true that only God exists – look at all the wars, greed, destruction and selfishness of humanity!  It is obvious evil is out there too!’  Good point  –  yes.

This is not a naive and fluffy truth though!  On some level this planet is really not elevated at all.  Of course huge suffering and murder and atrocities occur.  Of course we see evil forces at play in this world.

Where is God in all this?

It is not the power of God that does this, it is not LOVE that causes all this waste of life and destruction.  Humanity in a way is very immature isn’t it?  As a species we are young and often selfish.  Grabbing for what we want rather than giving and loving.  This is how we learn isn’t it?  We have free will to do this – somehow the ‘choice’ is ours to follow what we want.  To go for what we are attracted to in life.  It is the human nature, the carnel nature that creates such unhappiness and havoc on this earth.  It is not God, although the play of Maya, the great theatre of consciousness all springs from the source and free will has to be included.

But still – from all this the opportunity is there to learn from our mistakes.  To can choose to follow what is true and life giving.  May be we do keep making the same mistakes over and over again until finally something cracks.  Finally the suffering becomes SO intolerable that a change of heart occurs.  This is why no one is really lost  – although they may feel they are!  There is always potential for change of heart  – no matter how bad it gets!  We see also a tremendous capacity in humanity to choose love, to choose kindness, to follow what is righteous and true.  Oh yes – there are many examples who inspire us, who elevate our perception of the world to come out of this realm of ‘samsara’ or ‘hell’.

Heaven or ‘Nirvana’ or the ‘Dao’ or ‘Sahaja’ (the natural state) is HERE and NOW – if we have the eyes to see it.  The blessing is that our outer circumstances have nothing to do with our liberation friends!  There is always a door available for immediate awakening to the truth even in the most terrible of situations.  Even Christ on the cross said “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”)”

Then ‘it is done’.  His spirit is committed to the Lord.  They are one.

Even Jesus had his moment of doubt.

We can wake up out of a hellish state of mind and be released into freedom by the realisation of truly who are in this light of truth.  People are even doing so today –  in prison!  Many prisoners have written to Mooji to say that listening to his satsang (association with truth) has set them free within the walls of their prison.

How wonderful is that?

The Bible says

‘You, however, are controlled not by the flesh, but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. 10But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet the Spirit gives you life because of righteousness. 11And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.…’  Romans 8: v 9-11

This is not so much,  in my understanding really about raising up corpses, but WAKING UP while our bodies are still warm out of the sleep of delusion.  The dead coming to Life as we realise the truth that we are imperishable and ineffable and limitless as spirit.  Living only as a limited finite psychological person, asleep to the heavenly kingdom is like living half a life or even a kind of dreaming zombie existence.  Not plugged into the source.  Starved of the true nectar of God’s grace.  Hungry for love, hungry for everything.  A beggar waiting for his next fix from the physical senses, rather than sitting on the ‘throne of emptiness’ (Papaji) and drinking from pure source.

The bible here is confirming this universal truth that if God lives in you, the living spirit of Christ gives life ‘because of righteousness’ (and in my understanding Christ is sacred anointed universal creation – the first born.  Christ is of God, called by many many different names by different people all over this earth)  Christ is not just for Christians.  In fact the Christ light that lives in us transcends the boundaries and mental constructs of religion.  This light of consciousness is universal, free, true.  Life itself.

The body is dead ‘because of sin’ it says.  The mortal body passes – it dies.  But spirit cannot die!

‘Sin’ here,  in this interpretation is meaning the belief in separation.  Ego – we could say, the constructed imagined self, the fall from grace, selfishness, carnal desire and attachments.  ‘I want this, I want that’   All this leads to death ultimately.  BUT life is given from God, within you.  God saves.  God gives life through his spirit who lives in YOU.

In other words – if we CHOOSE life we choose God.  We choose infinite spirit rather than the demands of your own separate finite self and egoic attachments.  If you ‘die to self’, surrender to the almighty power and saving grace of God then you too are abiding already in the life eternal.

You have chosen the truth even though you have always been this in essence.  You have turned away from what brings you suffering and pain and discovered that actually there is ONLY GOD.  There is only one True Self.

We begin to even be grateful for the suffering and the pain that brought us to our knees to surrender.  Can we put down our arrogance and pride enough ‘I am so sorry Lord, please forgive me.  That hurts me and them so much that I choose to STOP and surrender it all at your Holy feet’.  ‘Lord, rid me of ego and replace me with you’

Our life is then really transformed before our eyes.  Our third eye, the spiritual inner eye that sees the heavenly realms right here on earth is waking up to a whole new reality!  ‘A new creation’, on earth as it is in Heaven

But this, as I keep saying is universal truth.  It is written about in the vedas as realising our True Self.

Self Realisation.

Also in the Buddhist scriptures, in the Holy Quran, in the writings of Lao Tzu.  Look for yourself and see.

Truth us truth everywhere!

“At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”  Lao Tzu