In a Nutshell
I am not who I have been thinking I am
I am not who conditioning says I am
I am not what thoughts say I am
I am not broken or damaged or guilty
I am not separate from God
In essence,
I AM the living presence of God
Beyond any words, descriptions or understanding
This unborn awareness is unknowable, indefinable, invisible, beyond qualities, yet most real!
If we think we are the Separate Self alone – We Suffer
That is not denial of reality,
It is the true seeing of what is real – is it not?
Yes there is unique dynamic expression through this body,
but we are so much more than this flesh and blood and bones.
This physical body will pass, yet it is the sacred vehicle for awakening to truth so it is blessed. But it does not last. It arises in consciousness and is observable like a passing cloud in the infinite sky of awareness
“Nothing Real Can Be Threatened; Nothing Unreal Exists” (A Course in Miracles)
Wake up out of the delusive dream of thinking we are what changes.
I am the unchanging reality of life itself.
I am consciousness
I am boundless love and radiant light
What appears as anger, selfishness and arrogance is born of the personal I ‘me’ realm. Don’t identify with that! Fearful, grasping and full of desire for pleasure and material wealth. But it can never be fully satisfied with material gain alone. Real freedom is not found through hitting the jackpot or winning the lottery. It’s appetite can never be fulfilled through attaining what it is looking for in this phenomenal world. The promise of lasting satisfaction is always in the next projection. You are the jackpot. You are the wealth of the spirit. The non phenomenal, unborn, deathless one. The source of all life, the womb of all compassion.
Even enlightenment can never be attained by a separate self who claims it by his or her own efforts.
Union with God cannot be found by the separate self, the seeker whilst it still lives in the dream of personal attainment of the True Self.
It can never be satisfied in this way – as its root is growing in the soil of duality.
The false self is seen as untrue. ‘I’ have never been separate. Don’t identify with what is passing as it is observed from a deeper awareness. See through the unreality of the false ‘I/me’ identity to realise ‘that!’
Discover simply the true position that ‘I’ have in fact always been rooted in God, the ground of being.
What falls away is delusion
Expose and come out of the lie that keeps us locked down, fearful and defensive.
To transcend the conditioning that keeps us small, guilty and in despair.
Our thoughts about who we are become insignificant in the light of truth
Look within and see the magnificence of your own being
The Fall from Grace is Redeemed
True freedom is our nature.
Truth, peace, life and natural joy is our true identity
Wake up!