I am Life

I am Life

I am the infinite limitless one

I am one with the source of all life

I am unborn

I cannot die

I am formless awareness

I permeate every thing

I am no thing

I am the non phenomenal spirit of life

I am beyond time, space and understanding yet fully present here and now as the  ineffable heart of being

I am conscious awareness

I witness all phenomenality coming and going

I am like the sky, vast and limitless space,

in which all weather patterns appear and disappear

I am already free from personal identity linked to this body and form and name.  I exist as this presence awareness before form and name.  I exist when form and name are gone

Time is only existing in the mind.  Reality is timeless, limitless, boundless

I was never bound and cannot even be liberated for I exist in a more subtle realm beyond even the concepts of duality and non duality.  I simply am naturally this and yet I enjoy this dynamic life unfolding, I participate in this dance with deep love

No effort is needed to realise the True Self that I am.  The effort only appears necessary to the apparent ‘one’ who believes something has to be done to get to the Self.  Such is the dream of separation.

I am like the radiant sun, shining in all directions.  If clouds come they do not need to be of concern.  They come and go just like thoughts come and go.  No need to identify.  I enjoy the bliss of being

I am living invisible spirit

I am the silence in which sacred form unfolds here as this magnificent creation

I am the lost and the found

I rest in peace

I am Life, I witness life and yet I can participate in life through this blessed human form.

I am this

wake up

wake up

wake up