Hoping for a better future or drinking from the wellspring of life now?

It is commonplace in the Christian tradition, it seems, to describe our predicament on earth as ‘waiting on the Lord’ 

Hoping for a better place in good time  

Right now we are anticipating heaven in the future 

We are expectant of the world to come of heavenly bliss when we die 

It is said that through the love of Christ and through his suffering with us we are held in our pain and loved through it.  This is beautiful and to feel really met in our vulnerability and brokenness as human beings by such a love is deeply comforting.

We are given his peace but not fully perhaps?  May be it is assumed that we are merely human and to be human is to be suffering the fall from grace.  But do we have to stay in that position?  Is it possible that as Jesus discovered himself and asked us to follow – we are all actually ‘the light of this world’?  Could it be that in our true most pure nature, we are fully human and fully divine also?  Can we awaken to this?   Is this blasphemy or simply what Jesus is pointing us to by his example?

Perhaps there is a deeper truth here to be explored that isn’t so much about finding true peace and release from suffering in the future, but discovering the Kingdom ‘on earth as it is in heaven’ now.

What do I mean?  

Let’s look into this.

Could it be that through the death to self, through the release of the grip of identifying only with our flesh and bones and false psychological identity we find the true peace of the Christ light (or Buddha nature) here in our own hearts, NOW?  Could it be that realising we are not our minds, we are not our thoughts or our feelings, we are not our history or any self image we have of ourselves that we discover a deeper truth about who we are that blows our minds literally?  This revelation can remove the clouds of delusion from our inner seeing and enlighten the beingness, bringing healing, huge relief from the burden and the weight of trying to be a successful person in ’the world’. 

BUT there is a cost!  Perhaps the cost we pay is to release all our intentions and selfish desires as to what we want from this world.  This is the laying down of your life for God, total surrender and total immersion in the baptismal metaphorical waters that literally cleanse and heal the being of separateness.  We have to surrender or own self in order to find this new life that is so enlightening.   We have to wake up to the reality of who we are.  

Could it be that the dawning realisation of our true identity, our true position AS formless awareness, as living imperishable spirit, as one with God in true freedom through the truth that Christ and other liberated beings point us to IS ACTUALLY SALVATION NOW?  Is there actually a deeply transformative threshold through which our being is literally pulled when we feel and respond to that inner call?  This call from God sparks a metamorphosis of the being into the unknowable and unconquerable presence of God that it has in fact always been here but may be overlooked.  Could it be true that there is NO MORE WAITING?  I am going to say that again.

Could it be true that there is NO MORE WAITING?

 If only we discover the truth of who we are the suffering actually falls away, the pain ends, peace is truly found in God, in harmony with the presence of the divine that we are and have always been and will always be.  Of course whilst consciousness plays through this temporary vessel of an earthly form, with blood running through our veins, we will experience passing clouds of feelings or even pain BUT as Mooji so often says ‘nothing sticks’.  The fleeting experiences of this dynamic life are far more light and observable for the one who is rooted in the deeper Self.

As Mooji says – we only have one life and ‘that is eternal’ or actually ‘beyond time’

Waking up IS salvation, the well spring of true life and freedom is tapped, drink free and full with abundance and love.

This is what is really meant perhaps by the resurrection life?  The story of the death and resurrection of Jesus that many Christians are marking this Easter week, points each one to the discovery of their true imperishable nature through the self sacrifice of the ego and all its needs and rights and desires.  Only the formless is imperishable, only the formless living spirit is LIFE, only the formless awareness is what is permanent about YOU

In love, in Christ, in harmony with God.