Speak into spirit, immerse yourself in love and light

Silence – is all there is, look deeper and you will find Silence is all there is

Immerse yourself in deep love and light. Know and speak into the light of spirit as if it is literally real here and now. It is your essential nature. Bathe in it, enjoy it, love it. Immerse yourself in the spirit of Christ, the Buddha nature, the peace of the divine – love it and be it. It is called by many names this light. Live it and call in its existence in you as if it is a reality now and has already occurred.

‘ Oh beloved spirit of God, I love you and I welcome you and I open to you here, deep in my own heart of being. You alone are real and you alone are home. No separation, no division, only unitive consciousness, absolute being, supreme intelligence, immense freedom and love. Oh beloved let me fall upwards into your arms be so silent and still that I merge totally in your grace and dis – appear. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this tremendous gift of life in you.

Metanoia is a Greek word meaning “change of mind”. Yet the meaning is often translated as “repentance”. It can be seen that repentance is not so much about bringing regret shame and guilt to God. It perhaps is making a choice to actually ‘turn around’, and to face a new direction. The direction of the light!

The true meaning of metanoia is this – to turn towards the light. The light of the divine dwells in our own hearts and when we truly turn to this and abide there, water metaphorically turns to wine, the seeing of spirit pulls us through a threshold somehow that merges us with that light. This is why perhaps Jesus said in Luke 11:36 “if your whole body is enlightened, and there is no darkened part, it shall be shining entirely like a lamp giving you light by its flame”

In Philippians 2:5: Paul says “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” So we are called to live as the consciousness of Christ, bathe in this light, see through his eyes, feel through his heart and be transformed in His love.