Honouring God

- Loving the light within

Honouring God – Loving the light within

When peace is discovered inside there is a tremendous opportunity opens up 

An opportunity to stay with that peace, to honour that light inside and treat it with reverence and gratitude.  To acknowledge it, love it, be it, assimilate and stabilise in it, as it.

What do I mean  – ‘as it?’  Well – as awareness itself, as conciousness itself, as the God Self that permeates every thing and that is totally invisible and intangible – this is who we are in essence.   

Because of it’s intangibility and formlessness the mind tends to think it is ‘nothing’ of significance and immediately and habitually not only overlooks it, but is often drawn like a powerful magnet back to the more constricted form of consciousness that is identified with form, with the body mind and conditioning   

Beware of this trap and this trick!  It so often goes unnoticed and is like a powerful reflex – but it is observable from the deeper space of awareness!  So when the sense of tightness or constriction or suffering comes  – notice if the attention has simply habitually been pulled back into the realm of ego desire and attachments and fears.  This mechanism of the habitual thinking to seemingly prevent the ‘earnest seeker’ from discovering full and lasting liberation and freedom is very common and at first it can seem that it is impossible to stop this from happening.  That is why so many people say ‘Oh i had a glimpse of peace, i had a glimpse of God and then the mind came back and ‘I’ lost it!’  This is speaking as and from the position of the ‘person’, the psychological ‘ego’.

All this is an illusion however – the one saying that they lost the peace is again the personal separate self that THINKS it is separate from the oneness!  But timelessly our very ground of being IS one with God.  No matter what we think we cannot not be awareness, we cannot not be ‘The Self’  In other words we are the Self.  It is our natural state.  But equally if we believe we are bound and we believe that into existence with certainty and conviction – that is how it appears and that is where we act and move from.  

SO the only apparent barrier comes in the form of thought, and is observable from your true and imperishable Self – the all pervading Holy spirit  – Life itself.  

This spirit of God, this formless awareness, this emptiness, this peace cannot be described in words – they are only signposts.  It cannot be understood or known intellectually or claimed by anyone.  But it IS.  

The formlessness of the spirit of truth is being discovered here and until the beingness bypasses the call of the mind to reidentify as a personal self and to ‘get on with life’ and to return to the ‘normal state of affairs’ the sense will persist that we are not ‘there’ yet!  And we can apparently miss the opportunity to abide fully in and as the True Self, stabilising and resting in it’s silence, peace and grace. 

Honour the peace of God when it blesses you, take time to be with it, Love it and Be it.  The egoic mind is really insignificant in the light of this truth.  Turn to God, Love Him with all your strength and heart and power until you fully merge with Him.  

Jesus says “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'”  Luke 10:27 

Mooji’s beautiful prayer:

Lord, rid me of ego and replace me with you.

Gratitude and reverence to the word of universal truth.

In The Holy Qu’ran refers to this major jihad in Merits of the Soul:  ‘The Struggle against the Self’ 

“A human’s soul is the scene of a struggle of two competing powers. Divine power attracts him towards heavenly spheres, and inspires him to acts of goodness. Satanic power tempts him towards realms of darkness and shame, and invites him to acts of evil.”

The psychological self may say  ‘well it is all very well to take time to honour this awakening to God, but it is no good to just sit around and do nothing!’

it imagines that waking up is sitting for hours on end on your cushion!  Not so – this is another trick of the mind to throw us back into the gear of the ego’s momentum and to invalidate and ignore and dismiss the opportunity to embrace and love the power of true awakening and action that is spirit led.  ‘Right action’ as the Buddha describes.  Action that flows from the discovery that we are free timelessly and at peace in and as our natural state.

Adyashanti speaks also of enlightened action

There is a much more harmonious and sensitive flow of grace and action which emerges from the natural ‘mind’, from awareness itself.  Practical thinking is useful when needed and can be employed and actions can flow with ease, compassion and joy actually, in tune with God’s grace.  There is surrender to the beautiful sacred and holy power which can guide and guard life with such wisdom depth and beauty.   

Life unfolds very beautifully in the absence of egoic control.  It is intuitive, spontaneous. alive and fresh.  The ‘person’ is really not the doer of life in reality anyway, even though it may appear so.  

Life takes care of life very well by grace and in harmony with the divine.  So it is vitally important to honour your seeing.  To hold to truth.  To take time to leave aside the haste of the mind and rest in and as this awareness.  In and as this conscious presence, in harmony with life itself.  

‘You do not have a Life – you ARE Life!’  as Mooji so beautifully says.