Who do you think you are?

2020 years ago approximately ‘the world’, it is said, rejected Jesus (the Christ).  The crucifixion of course is understood on many levels and in many varied ways but essentially it seems the people – or certainly the pharisees and religions leaders of that day did not accept that he was/is fully human and fully God.  We could say ‘the world’ doesn’t accept that God is ‘incarnate’.  ‘Carne’ means flesh or ‘meat’.  Spirit permeates or enters into flesh.  Some take this incarnation only as the incarnation of Jesus personally and this is fine – but many see the incarnation in a much more universal way.  In this sense the Universal Christ is representing the sacred temple of our own being.  We could say the whole of creation is ‘of God’.  From the one source and one with this source.  We all are the ‘body of God’ in this sense, even if we use very different words to describe this mystery.  Many Christians are understood to be a part of the one ‘body of Christ’.  His hands and feet pouring his Love out on the world.

It has arisen in this heart to share something about this.  It feels somehow that today also this turning away or rejection of this light of truth happens again and again.
The world, it seems, mostly, does not accept anyone who goes deep enough inside to see with true eyes the magnificence of who we truly are.  The truth of who we are cannot be claimed by any one individual AS a separate person though, can it?  Even Jesus didn’t call himself the ‘Son of God’ and he always referred to and  pointed to His beloved Father God.  He asked us much more to ‘follow’ him and do as he does than to worship him actually.

As I keep saying, The truth of who we are cannot be claimed by any one individual AS a separate person.  I keep repeating this because it really is so important to see this.  Why?  because this is the key to joy, true freedom, humility and peace.  The personal egoic small self is burned in the searing, unsparing light of truth.  I heard of the term from Mooji of ‘acid grace’
The truth of who we are simply IS.
We cannot not be this truth but it is hidden from the worlds eyes for these eyes are deluded by the dream of separation and can only see duality – you, me, objects, names and forms.  Beautiful as they are – or not (!) – these dualistic appearances are passing.  YOU do not pass. Who we truly are is the only thing less thing that is permanent, ever lasting unconquerable, unknowable, invisible and yet totally here and natural.  This is non -duality beyond the conceptual realm.

But look around you
Who puts God or peace or love or spirit or surrender before money, power, status, phenomenal things, acquisitions and ‘me’ ie personal psychological identity – the biggest false idol of all?  It is rare to find one who seeks first the kingdom of heaven to such a degree that the seeker itself is surrendered and heaven is discovered!  No one is left to celebrate that at all – there is only God.  Silence, peace, grace, beyond any description, beyond any understanding.

It is said that Jesus was without ‘sin’.  He was pure of heart.  When we identify with our personal self and believe that into existence we can not be pure of heart.  The ego identity is like shifting sands – always changing.  Only grace can be kind enough to make your dreams crash so that you look deeper to find who you truly are.
The so called ‘world’ (people, duality, Maya) deems anyone, it seems, who awakens to the truth of who they really are (ie one with God, of God, in harmony with the divine one infinite source) as blasphemous and says to them something like this…
‘Who do you think you are – God?’ ‘Ha!  We will judge you and throw you out’

What is the response?  Silence perhaps.

‘Well – we all are essentially ‘of God’- we all are the God Self in essence – that is the only thing that is real about you, me or anyone. We truly are one in spirit.  We are consciousness. Yes we do have the dynamic existence as well of course and this is also sacred as all is from God – this is not denied or thrown out – it just is and can be beautiful and enjoyed – the manifest play of life on the bodily level.

But to awaken to the imperishable spirit that is deathless is to discover a freedom and profound joy beyond your wildest dreams!’

But the world generally sees this ‘being’ who utters such words and who is totally in love with God – simply acting as an empty signpost in service to the universal truth – at best as ‘deluded and crazy’, at worst as ‘arrogant and blasphemous’ on some ego trip for fame or fortune.
This assessment could not be further from the truth.
Oh deluded ‘world’ – are we missing the celestial gem that has fallen at our feet!?

Of course some beings do recognise the one who is truly free and even see perhaps that in truth there is only one God Self speaking through many mouths, across the different ages and cultures.  He finds so many amazing ways to uplift and inspire humanity and offer true balm and healing and salvation to those who recognise their need.  Their need to discover the golden nectar of their own True Self.  These beings will move to be with and absorb the transmission.  They will move mountains to find the stream and drink in the living waters of the divine.  Their thirst will be quenched. They recognise the vibration of peace love and harmony and love it until they eventually discover they already are it and merge with it.  They just had fallen to sleep.  Truly blessed we are to have this opportunity in this life to awaken to this timeless truth.  All glory be to God.

Grace through form (incarnation) points the way to freedom but ‘the world’ so often says ‘No!  I have my own plans thank you!  I am too busy for surrender!  I have to do this and accomplish this first.  I have to build a home, get a good job, have a family, de clutter my house, even get enlightened before I will STOP and discover who I am and rest in freedom and peace.’  These things are not wrong of course  – they can be wonderful – but if they become the goal of life?  Is this good?  If they become your ‘idol’ is that healthy?  What is your priority in life?

Is it to seek FIRST the kingdom of God?
Is this not what Jesus himself pointed to?  Did he not, along with all other awake to the truth, encourage everyone and every nation to wake up and see clearly that in God we truly are one?  He is not the only one saying this!
God sends many beings across the ages to do His bidding from his pure and unfailing love and devotion and we could say they are all of the one God.  Really there is only one master speaking through many forms.
But do we recognise Him?
Can Christians today recognise the pure Christ light come again or are they perhaps too busy pouring over scripture repeating again that ‘he will return’ in the future, whilst refusing perhaps to see Him right here and now in our very own True Self?   Pointed to by rare and extra ordinary beings alive today. Why do we not seem to actually believe Jesus when he does say that ‘whoever believes in me (truth) will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these’  ?  Could we possibly consider believing what he says there?

How far from ‘you’ do you think God is?
Are we perhaps a bit like the Pharisees straining out gnats but swallowing camels?  Missing grace come anew to say wake up out of your slumber!  ‘Rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you’  
Come to Life again!  You are Life!  God is in you and as you all along.  You are in God.  There is only the one infinite creator.  There really is no separation or distance!  The Invitation illustrates this so beautifully!
There is peace unity and heaven here and now.  Die to what is false, burn all delusion and live in and as truth.
Hid with Christ in God
Alleluia Amen
Om Namah Shivaya                                                                                                                                             Peace, Shalom                                                                                                                                                      Shanti Shanti Shanti