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Gratitude to all the spiritual masters and sages and saints that have walked on this planet who all point to this universal truth.

Beloved Mooji has awakened inside Alison's heart a potent and alive recognition of reality.

Mooji - spiritual awakeningAlison says

I am on my knees in gratitude to beloved Moojibaba 

The power of his pointing has been so potent and enlightening

He continuously works in service for our freedom.  His love for Jesus has touched my heart deeply and unveiled, here in my heart of being, the love and light of Christ.  

He has helped me to begin to recover from the trauma of identification with personhood and the false identity.  

The enquiry and the Invitation are 'skilfully unsparing' at exposing what is not true 

We are so blessed to have such a master on this planet today who encourages seekers to 'fall upwards into the embrace of the supreme'  So much love to Moojibaba and the beloved Sangha who work tirelessly in service of truth

Mooji says

In a sense you must destroy yourself in order to find yourself. Destroy what is untrue

You have to find the place of no-mind and no effort within yourself. But don't employ the mind for this. Your mind itself implies effort and it will try to 'do' no effort—and to 'be' nobody. This itself takes great effort and, in fact, is impossible. 'Great effort' and the one apparently making it are seen in a space of no effort. In that 'no-effort' place—you are. Observe, know and confirm: I am That which is synonymous with no-effort.'


View Mooji’s Official website page here

Because of Alison’s deep love of truth and open enquiry,  she has, over the years, looked far and wide for confirmation of this universal truth.  

Satyananda has also been an inspiration and guiding light for many years and also teachers like Adyashanti, Ram Dass, Eckhart Tolle, Bentinho Massaro, Ananda Mayi Ma,  Rupert Spira, the teachings of the Buddha and the beloved messenger Jesus Christ, have all confirmed the same beautiful truth that dissolves, de thrones and transforms ego identity ‘I me’ to reveal the one True Self, the I am.


Ramana Maharshi

Rupert Spira


Bentinho Massaro

Jesus Christ


Buddha - the awakened one who represents our own True Being

Ananda Mayi Ma

All blessings of deep gratitude to all beings who awaken to the truth and lay down their own life in service of others to enable liberation and a way out of suffering for humanity.


Jesus Christ 

Mooji - spiritual awakening      


Ramana Maharshi    

 Buddha – the awakened one who represents our own True Being



Rupert Spira    




Ananda Mayi Ma  

Bentinho Massaro 



All blessings of deep gratitude to all beings who awaken to the truth and lay down their own life in service of others

to enable liberation and a way out of suffering for humanity.